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Employee Nutrition Services

Provide employees safe, realistic and maintainable nutrition solutions for improved health, regardless of where they are working.

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Make the healthiest choice the easiest choice

Workplace registered dietitian nutritionists (RDNs) provide services to your employees on an ongoing basis to help them make better nutrition choices. We also work with local food providers to make nutritious food options available.

Improve lifestyle choices and health outcomes

Nutrition counseling supports a wide range of health goals, including weight loss, fueling athletic performance and eating right at any stage of life. Workplace RDNs also help people better manage chronic and acute conditions.

Amplify engagement beyond workplace services

Trusted relationships are built between your employees and Optum workplace professionals by connecting them with health and wellness services that help reach their short- and long-term goals.

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Build a healthier workforce

Optum empowers employers to create healthier food environments on site and educate employees on healthy nutrition.

Discover how to partner with Optum today