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Optum Maintenance and Operations Services

Optum can help improve outcomes of health and human services programs. We proactively prevent eligibility system incidents and outages.

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Greater efficiencies by delegating M&O

Outsourcing Maintenance and Operations (M&O) services for eligibility systems has many benefits. It's more efficient, less costly and improves administrative outcomes. Delegating these functions creates a single point of contact for system accountability.

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Positive experiences all around

By minimizing eligibility system outages, we help participants enroll in HHS programs quickly and efficiently. This allows them to receive the services they need. Case managers benefit from more reliable access to participant information to coordinate services.

Optum Maturity Model for M&O transition

Our approach to M&O for your eligibility system is an ongoing process of assessing, analyzing, planning, executing and measuring. This allows states to continuously improve, optimize and transform their programs.

Experience and HHS subject matter expertise

Optum has partnered with states for more than two decades to manage data and systems. We’re Gold-certified for Operational Sustainability by the Uptime Institute. The institute rated us as having exceptional M&O and building characteristics and low site location risks.

Discover how to partner with Optum today