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For information on the Change Healthcare cyber response:


White paper

Approaching health inequity with straightforward action

Read the CEO’s guide for assessing bias and building trust.


Become an advocate and champion

Health inequity is costing health organizations $93 billion in excess cost. It’s costing communities $42 billion in untapped productivity. And the uneven clinical outcomes highlighted over the past year paint an even darker picture.

But the industry has just proven its capacity for innovation and resilience with new ways of gathering data, rapid responses to problem solving and the expansion of ways people can pay for and connect to care.

Communities are looking for leaders who can address the structural bias that allows health inequities to remain. This CEO health equity assessment guide offers advice on:

  • Assessing yourself and your organization for bias
  • Connecting health equity to your purpose and mission
  • Engaging employees for feedback and leadership
  • Building relationships that address social determinants of health
  • Rebuilding trust with the community

Become an advocate and champion at your organization by setting the strategy, assigning resources and navigating this issue with an informed mindset.

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