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Generate Evidence with Real-World Data

Derive evidence from the unmatched depth and scale of our data assets.

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Solve your real-world data needs

Our real-world data addresses the data and analytical needs of various life sciences teams. These teams include commercial, health economics and outcomes research (HEOR), research and development, and epidemiology.

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Want to maximize the return on your real-world data investments?

This e-book will prepare you for the conversations you’ll want to have as you set a more coordinated and connected real-world data strategy—read it today.

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Are you harnessing integrated RWD to help accelerate innovation?

Learn how to maximize the value of clinical innovations by using robust integrated cost and clinical data.

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Explore our solutions

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Optum Claims Data

Enhance your marketplace analysis.

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Optum EHR Data

See the bigger picture of patient health care journeys.

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Optum Market Clarity Data

Uncover hidden intelligence.

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Optum Clinicogenomics Data

Better understand diseases and drug development opportunities.

Resource library

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Assess drug performance with the power of integrated data

Inform research and commercial strategy with data insights.
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Is Your Real-World Data Research Ready?

Real-world data can help evaluate the effectiveness of medications and therapies, which is why evaluation should be part of the investment.
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New Data Dimensions In Life Sciences Research

Expanded research methods can address cost at the root level.
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6 guiding steps for selecting a fit-for-purpose data set

Using RWD that are not fit for purpose can waste time and money. Review 6 simple steps to guide your research towards the right data.
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Complementary solutions

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Strengthen your value story with HEOR

Tap into our expertise in health economics and outcomes research.
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Partner with Our Epidemiology Consultants

Advance public health and safety with our trusted experts and data.
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Design, Pilot and Scale Engagement Programs

Take advantage of our connections to all parts of the health system.