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Six things you might not know about breast cancer

Get the real facts.

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One in eight American women will get breast cancer at some point in her life. Do you know that most types of breast cancer can be cured? Here are six vital facts you should know about breast cancer.

1. Finding it early is important.

Nine out of 10 women with breast cancer survive five years or more. The number is closer to 10 out of 10 for women who find it early. So, it’s important to get screened. Ask your doctor when it’s right for you.

2. Mammograms matter.

A mammogram is the best tool we have for finding breast cancer. It can find most breast cancers when they’re tiny, before you notice anything. 

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3. Biopsies and surgery don’t spread cancer.

Some women think that biopsies and surgeries will spread breast cancer cells throughout the body. This isn't true. Talk to your doctor about your fears. Get the real facts about breast cancer.

4. Most breast cancer isn’t inherited.

At most, only one out of 10 women inherit the genes that can cause breast cancer.

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5. Changes are normal. But know the signs.

Breast lumps, rashes and discharge don’t mean you have cancer. But if you notice changes that last awhile, see your doctor. Some signs should be checked out right away. They include bloody nipple discharge or hard lumps in the breast or under the armpit.

6. Healthy habits can make a difference.

The best way to protect yourself from breast cancer? Be active and keep a healthy weight. When you have more fat tissue, your body makes more estrogen. Some forms of cancer “feed” on it. 

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Don’t wait: Take action now. You have the power to lower your chances of having breast cancer.

Will Medicare cover mammograms?

Medicare says: “Women ages 50 to 74 should have a mammogram every year. And Medicare covers mammograms if your doctor accepts Medicare.”

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The information provided is for general informational purposes only and is not intended to be medical advice or a substitute for professional health care. You should consult an appropriate health care professional for your specific needs.