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Welcome new members

See how we uniquely care for patients with Medicare Advantage.

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O4 Video Modal

Welcome to Optum Care Network—Arizona


MUSIC: In the background; Upbeat, but subtle.

Open on a white card. Optum logo and titles appear.

Logo shrinks and moves to the bottom right. Titles appear.


Welcome to Optum Care Network—Arizona.


Welcome to the Optum Care Network of Arizona. 

Logo remains in the corner but type switches to white over picture. Cut to an aerial over Arizona. We hear our VO.


Hello! We're so glad you've joined us. Members like you are at the center of everything we do. 

Cut to the exterior of an Optum clinic.

Cut to the building lobby to see the Optum sign.

Fade up on a white card. A grey circle animates in and an individual patient icon appears in the circle.

Circles with icons appear around the central, individual patient icon.

The icons fade out and a line draws down and over to the Optum logo. The super slides out from the line.


Care that puts you at the center.


Care that puts you at the center.

Your primary care doctor is part of Optum Care Network of Arizona. Your network includes not only your primary care doctor, but specialty care, urgent care, hospital and surgical care as well, all working together to help you live your healthiest life.

Cut to an Optum provider working with a patient – basic visit.

Cut to an orthopedist and a patient talking.

Cut to a patient recovering after a hospital visit. The patient talks with the provider.

Quick cuts to seniors hiking, enjoying a drink, riding a motorcycle, etc.


Open on a white title card. Title animates in.


Your choice for health.

Title fades away and a line draws down and over to the Optum logo. The super slides out from behind the line.



Care that’s just right for you.


Care that’s just right for you.

Healthy patient meeting with primary care doctor. The doctor is actively listening to and caring for the patient.


Your care should keep you healthy, not just treat you when you’re sick.

Our doctors look out for you, providing effective treatments that help save you time and money.

The doctor takes the patient’s blood pressure.

The doctor oversees the patient taking an eye exam.

Title fades away and a line draws down and over to the Optum logo. The super slides out from behind the line.


Personalized for you.


Personalized for you.

Three grey circles appear. Icons for a family, an individual and a group of people appear inside each circle.


Different people need different care. So at the heart of your treatment is a personalized care team.

The grey circles flip over to reveal icons for health coaching, a provider and the nurseline.

Cut to footage of a doctor and patient talking. The doctor is explaining a plan of care.


They’ll take the time to listen to you and get to know you so they can provide the right care and help it all run more smoothly. 

Fade up on a white card. A line draws down and over to the Optum logo. The super slides out from behind the line.


Helping you get and stay healthy.


Helping you get and stay healthy.

A grey circle appears in the center of the white card. The icon for “healthy” appears—an illustrated heartbeat.


We're here to help you be as healthy as possible. And a huge advantage is that your doctors are part of Optum’s powerful, national network—

The heartbeat circle flips over to a doctor icon. More grey circles with icons populate around the center doctor circle.

Cut to footage of doctors meeting and discussing in a conference setting.


…giving them access to the most up-to-date data and health research, as well as insight into what approaches work best across the country—which can help you stay ahead of any health concerns. We also promote simple methods too—healthy lifestyle, staying active, getting a flu shot.

Cut to footage of a doctor caring for a patient.

Cut to someone preparing a healthy salad at home.

Cut to a senior woman golfing.

Cut to a nurse administering a shot.

Fade up on a white card. A line draws down and over to the Optum logo. The super slides out from behind the line.


Living your healthiest life.


Living your healthiest life.

Cut to a family gathering on a patio.


Everything is focused on helping you live your healthiest life. Whatever your health goal is, ours is to help you achieve it. 


Fade up on a white card. Title animates in.


Your team.

The icon for “people” animates in.


Everyone ages in different ways, and you need care that works for you.

The circle flips to reveal a single person. From behind the grey circle, six circles/icons animate in around it.


With Optum, your care is managed by a team of providers and professionals that puts you at the center.

Camera pushes in to one of the circles, which has the icon for a provider. The other icons fade out as the camera pushes in.


It starts with a primary care physician, leading your care team. Your doctor will take the time to get to know you as an individual and how you live your life and you’ll work together to create a plan that’s right for you.

Cut to a grid of patients looking to camera.

A provider sits next to a patient and they walk through a care plan on a computer.

Fade up on a white card. A line draws down and over to the Optum logo. The super slides out from behind the line.


A plan of care that’s just right for you.


A plan of care that’s just right for you.

Cut to a care team talking together in an office. They refer to the computer as they talk.


Besides your primary doctor, there’s an entire team of providers collaborating to look after your well-being—specialty care, urgent care, hospital and surgical care and more. When you're referred to another provider, everyone is on the same page. 

Cut to a specialist showing a patient an x-ray on a tablet.

Cut to an urgent care waiting room.

Cut to a smiling patient talking to her doctor while lying in a hospital bed.

Cut to providers looking over patients’ charts together.


Fade up on a white card. Title animates in.


Your experts.

A grid of providers appears on screen.


Your care is backed by thousands of health care experts.

Fade up on a white card. A line draws down and over to the Optum logo. The super slides out from behind the line.


More support to help keep you healthy.


More support to help keep you healthy.

A grid of provider icons appears.


Being part of this connected network of experts makes a big difference. It means your doctors are able to share insights and ideas with other health care experts across the organization, and that helps them find ways to make your care even better.

To symbolize collaboration, several of the provider circles flip to reveal icons for “insight” and “idea”.

Cut to a doctor and patient having a positive interaction.


Fade up on a white card. Title animates in.


Your coordinated care.

Three rows of icons animate down from the top of the screen. The icons represent different health care aspects.


We don’t expect you to figure out the health care system on your own. Our care coordinators are here to assist you along the way.

The last icon is for a care coordinator and is left behind as the other icons move out of frame.


If you need to see a specialist, we’ll connect you with the right one who will know the details of your health.

Patient meets with a physical therapist. The patient and physical therapist continue their treatment and talk about the patient’s care.

And if you need to go to the hospital or a skilled care center, we’ll make sure your transition back home is a smooth one.

Cut to a senior man being examined in an ER.

Cut to a woman being discharged from the hospital.

Fade up on a white card. A line draws down and over to the Optum logo. The super slides out from behind the line.


We help simplify your path to better care.


We help simplify your path to better care.

Cut to footage of a patient during a virtual visit.

Cut to a Care Coordinator on the phone, talking to a patient


If you have complex or serious health problems, our case managers, social workers and behavioral health providers can offer extra support. We can also help with in-home wound care, home health visits and more.

Cut to a behavioral therapist making a home visit with a patient.

Cut to a provider talking during a virtual visit.

Cut to a tight shot of a nurse dressing a leg wound at home.

Cut to an in-home doctor visit.


Fade up on a white card. Title animates in.


Center for Service Coordination.

Cut to footage of the CSC team taking calls.


Our Center for Service Coordination, or CSC, is at the heart of the coordinated care experience. If you go to the hospital, we’re there help you work toward getting back your independence and living safely at home once again.

Cut to the white card. A care coordinator icon appears in a grey circle.

The CSC icon slides to the left and the hospital icon slides to the right from behind it.

Cut to a patient at home slowly walking through a room using a walker.

Fade up on a white card. A line draws down and over to the Optum logo. The super slides out from behind the line.


The right planning for the right care.


The right planning for the right care.

Fade up on a white card. The care coordinator icon appears again.


After you’re back from the hospital, a Case Manager from the CSC will check in to go over your discharge plan and help get you on the path to recovery.

The CSC icon slides to the left and the home icon slides to the right from behind it.

Cut to a case manager working.


The CSC can also help you get follow-up appointments and medical equipment, or connect you with a clinical member if needed. It’s all to ensure you’re being well taken care of at home, too.

Fade up on a white card. The CSC icon appears again.

The CSC icon slides to the left and the checklist icon slides to the right from behind it.

Cut to an elderly man at home. His leg is in a cast and he talks on the phone.


Fade up on a white card. Title animates in.


Your wellness resources.

Grey circles appear with icons for: medication, a doctor and patient, and wellness.


One of the things you’ll get with Optum is access to other health services and wellness resources. Everyone can take advantage of these when they need to—whether you’re currently in good health or managing a more serious or chronic condition.

Cut to healthy seniors taking a class at a community center.

Cut to footage showing a community center exercise room.

Cut to a senior woman getting help with her oxygen from a nurse.

Fade up on a white card. A line draws down and over to the Optum logo. The super slides out from behind the line.


Annual Wellness Visits.


Annual Wellness Visits. 

A grey circle with an icon for a bill appears. Another grey circle with a check mark appears next to it.


Your Annual Wellness Visit is paid for by Medicare every year, with no copay or extra charge. This is an important time to check in on your overall health. You and your provider will create a personal wellness plan based on your current health and risk factors. This can help to catch health problems early when they are easier to manage.

Cut to a doctor entering an exam room.

The doctor and patient talk.


And, to make it easy for you, there are different options to complete your Annual Wellness Visit. You can be seen at our Community Center clinic locations, through your Primary Care Provider or at home, depending on your preference or needs.

Fade up on a white card. Three grey circles with icons that represent “provider,”  “community center,” and “telehealth” appear.

The community center icon gets bigger and the others get smaller when ”community center” is said in the VO. The provider image gets larger and the others get smaller to match “Primary Care Provider.”

The telehealth icon gets bigger to match “at home” in the VO.

Fade up to a grey circle with an icon for gift card.


And don't forget to ask about the gift card reward for completing your Annual Wellness Visit.

The gift card grey circle fades away and a line draws down and over to the Optum logo. The super slides out from behind the line.


Medication review.


Medication review.

Cut to a patient at home. He is on a telehealth visit with his doctor going over his medication.


As you age, it’s not uncommon to have more than one prescription to manage at a time. To help, we can take a look at all of your medications—even over the counter—and make sure they’re all working well together. It’s a chance to ask questions too—sometimes we can even find something that works better or costs less.

Fade up on a white card. A line draws down and over to the Optum logo. The super slides out from behind the line


Community centers.


Community centers. 

Cut to community center footage of happy seniors talking.

Cut to woman working out in the community center gym.


Optum Community Centers are a place to socialize, stay active and learn. There are dozens of ways to get you going and keep you connected with others who are 55+ in our community—exercise classes, movies, tutorials and more. Our centers are welcoming places, where it’s easy to fit in and feel at home. All visits and activities come at no charge, and many classes can be enjoyed online.

Cut to footage of a teacher writing on a whiteboard.

Cut to an art teacher leading a class.

Cut to seniors taking an exercise class together.

Cut to members participating in a dancing class.

Cut to a tutorial with patients taking notes.

Cut to a wide shot of members exercising.

Cut to seniors putting together a jigsaw puzzle.

Cut to woman using exercise equipment.

Cut to footage of a patient at home doing a class via their computer.


Fade up on a white card. Type animates in.


Step 1


Now that you’ve joined us, there are a few things you can do that will help you make the most of your care.


Schedule your Annual Wellness Visit.


First, schedule your Annual Wellness Visit if you haven’t already. It helps us keep you healthy and prevent future problems. It’s a Medicare benefit that is covered under your health plan, and there’s no co-pay.

Cut to footage of a doctor and patient during an exam.

Fade up on a white card. The type animates in and the gift card icon appears.


Get a $50 get a gift card for completing your Annual Wellness Visit.


Get a $50 get a gift card for completing your Annual Wellness Visit.

Type animates in.


Step 2



Visit a Community Center.


Second, visit any one of our nearby Optum Community Centers and take part in a class.

Cut to community center footage of members taking a class together.

Cut to a woman at home doing an exercise class.


You can also attend classes from the comfort of your own home via our Virtual Community Center.

Fade up on a white card. Type animates in.


Step 3


Visit the Optum Care Network—Arizona website.


Lastly, visit the Optum Care Network of Arizona website to learn where to go for care.

Cut to a man at home scrolling through the Optum AZ page.

Fade up on a white card. Type animates in and an orange line underlines the URL. An icon for a computer appears.


Learn more at Optumcare.com/azpatientsupport


Learn more at Optumcare.com/azpatientsupport


You can see services and support available in your area, with primary care locations and community centers across Maricopa County, Pinal County, and the greater Tucson Metro Area.

A graphic map of Arizona appears in light grey. The counties turn orange to match the VO.

Camera pans over from the map to show an iPad with the Optum AZ site on it. The site scrolls down on the iPad.


The website is also a place you can find health tips, recipes and news on healthy aging.

And, of course, if you ever have questions or want to speak with someone about your care or Optum Care Network of Arizona, don't hesitate to call our award-winning Customer Service Center at 1-855-888-2909, TTY 711.

Cut to a woman seated at an outdoor café. She’s talking on the phone while at a computer.

Cut to see the woman walking and talking on the phone.

Fade up on a white card. Type animates in and an icon for a phone appears.


Call our Customer Service Center: 1-855-888-2909, TTY 711


Fade up on a white card. Title animates in.


It’s all about you.

Cut to a patient and provider engaged in a nice discussion as they exit an exam room.


We’re so happy you’re now part of the Optum family—where you’ll get the one-of-a-kind, personalized attention you deserve and will be treated with warmth and compassion.

Cut to a patient being warmly greeted at the front desk of a clinic.

Cut to an Optum provider in an exam room. Their patient smiles at them.

Cut people enjoying each other’s company.

Cut to footage members taking a community center exercise class.


Thanks for joining us on this path to living your healthiest life.

Cut to a provider warmly waving goodbye to a patient.

Fade up on a white card. Logo, type and legal appear.


Learn more about how we can provide the right care for you. 

Visit Optumcare.com/azpatientsupport or give us a call at 1-855-888-2909, TTY 711


Learn more about how we can provide the right care for you. 

Visit Optumcare.com/azpatientsupport or give us a call at 1-855-888-2909.

That’s 1-855-888-2909.

URL and phone number appear.


The company does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in health programs and activities. We provide free services to help you communicate with us. Such as, letters in other languages or large print. Or, you can ask for an interpreter. To ask for help, please call 1-855-888-2911, TTY 711

ATENCIÓN: Si habla español (Spanish), hay servicios de asistencia de idiomas, sin cargo, a su disposición. Llame al 1-855-888-2911, TTY 711  

請注意:如果說中文 _(Chinese), 我們免費提供語言協助服務。請致電:1-855-888-2911, TTY 711

Type and legal fade out.

O4 1 Column (Full)
O4 Text Component

Thank you for choosing Optum

Your primary care doctor is part of Optum. We’re a growing network of doctors across the country. As we begin our journey together, know that your health is what matters most to us. We’re working hard to keep you healthy, not just treat you when you’re sick.